Additional images may be found in Photos(hop) under Peninsula College Media 111 > Media Portfolio. Follow this link to view them:
Galleries for Media 275, Social Media Marketing:
Examples of Gallery Web pages for Studio 814 . . .
Examples of Gallery Web pages for Captive Crystals Designs . . .
This group of photos comes from an exercise from Media 110 using Blend Modes in Photoshop. I thought I’d combine my “trademark” image with my penchant for navigation. In this case, the background layer is an image of a Chart No. 18465, “Strait of Juan de Fuca, Eastern Part” with the course of a casual sailboat race from Port Angeles to Sequim inscribed upon it. You can see the rhumb line from the Dungeness Light to the light at the mouth of Sequim Bay in the upper right-hand corner – 7.1 NM (nautical miles) at 157o magnetic. Two blended images are shown, one using “Darken,” the other “Vivid Light.”